Description: A Chinese Enamel Famille Rose Vase (Qing Dynasty Qianlong Mark) Enamel colour was created based on the enamelled copper in the late Qing Dynasty Kangxi period, and the enamel colour is used to do the decoration. The rim of vase mouth is adorned with gilding. The interior and the base are covered with peacock-blue glaze. The shoulders are respectively painted with plantain leaves and cloud scrolls. A belt of lotus petals encircles the area above the foot. The neck and body of the vase are densely decorated with a stylized motif floral designs (Baoxianghua pattern) on a red ground. There is a Qian Long mark in blue on the bottom of the vase. This class of vases depicts the production standard of famille rose porcelain, and the size of this vase is medium, excellent for interior display and collection. 中国胭脂红珐琅彩花卉瓶(乾隆年制款) 珐琅彩为康熙末年御窑厂在铜胎珐琅彩的基础上创制,乾隆时珐琅彩多用于满绘纹饰。此胭脂紫轧道珐琅彩直颈瓶,瓶直颈,椭圆形腹,圈足,足内施松石绿釉,有青花双方栏 “乾隆年制”四字篆书款。外壁以红釉为地,瓶口绘有一圈蓝色回纹,瓶颈有两组宝祥花,肩部由芭蕉叶纹,红色回纹和如意纹组成,鼓腹处由以绿、黄、蓝等珐琅彩饰四组宝祥花组成,花纹错落有致,绘画精细。器型体量中等,为陈设佳品,值得收藏。 H205 D115mm