Description: A Chinese Qing Dynasty Famille Rose Vase with flower and dragon pattern (Qing Dynasty Qianlong Mark) This vase has trumpet neck, a round body and high foot. The porcelain is hard in delicate white glazed, thin and light. A circle of pictograph Ruyi pattern at the mouth and a circle wave patterns at the bottom. A gilding red glazed dragon flies through the neck and whole body of the vase, among peony branches. There is a Qing Dynasty Guang Xu Period mark in blue and white on the bottom. The dragon’s mouth opening, eyes glaring, limbs stretched forward, depicting a strong and powerful image. The painting is clear and smooth, and the decoration is vivid and beautiful, showing the skill of the antique porcelain technology. The vase has extreme ornamental value and high collection value. 中国清朝粉彩花卉龙纹瓶(大清乾隆年制款) 此件粉彩瓶为一眼开门,喇叭口,鼓腹,圈足。器型线条柔和,胎质细腻温和,瓷质白洁莹润,胎白竖硬,胎体薄巧轻盈。瓶口绘有一圈变形如意纹,底部有海浪纹,一条鎏金红釉龙穿梭于牡丹花枝中,身体由瓶颈贯穿整个瓶体,瓶底写有大清乾隆年制青花款。龙张口怒目,鬃发浓密飞扬,扭头甩尾,五爪张开,动式矫健有力,给人以立体感。绘画纹理清晰流畅,色泽鲜明沉稳,装饰法独特,纹饰生动逼真、精美。足底老气,釉面温润,艺术感极强,显示出老瓷器技术的娴熟,极具很强的观赏价值和很高的收藏价值。 H250 D120mm