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A rare mother-of-pearl-inlaid black lacquer recessed-leg table, pingtou'an Ming Dynasty
香港 北京时间
2020年12月01日 开拍 / 2020年11月29日 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
A rare mother-of-pearl-inlaid black lacquer recessed-leg table, pingtou'an Ming DynastyThe long mitred rectangular top frame supported on four recessed legs of circular section, gently splayed outward and secured by double stretchers, raised on a straight apron with rounded spandrels joined to the legs above a humpback stretcher, elaborately inlaid overall with mother-of-pearl on the black lacquer ground, the top with paired birds and butterflies amidst flowering peony branches and inscriptions centred by a gnarled rockwork, within a broad frame of music instruments including pipa, sanxian, guqin, sheng, luo, flute and drums amidst auspicious emblems, the apron with foliate sprays and the legs with continuous leafy florals, the corners of the top frame and the feet reinforced with metal straps. 127.5cm (50 1/4in) long x 42cm (16 1/2in) wide x 80cm (31 1/2in) high. 注脚 明 黑漆嵌螺鈿高羅鍋棖小平頭案Provenance:An American private collection來源:美國私人收藏The couplet on the right side can be translated as:'The blossoms swaying gently in the breezeThe red petals in the rain, resembling thin silk'The couplet on the left side can be translated as:'The beauty of colour and texture of mother-of-pearl [are] as refined as [what is] used for the birthday cup for the Emperor Yao'It is rare to have such musical representation on Ming dynasty furniture. The music instruments which can be identified on this table include pipa (Chinese lute), qin, luo (gong), zhong (bell), gu (drum), muyu (wooden bell),sanxian (three-strings lute), sheng (similar to the Western harmonica), paiban (clapper) and di flute. In Chinese music, instruments such as those represented on the present table, were usually played as an accompaniment in ritual practice or operas only, with few played as an ensemble. The present lot is a rare example of seventeenth century lacquer furniture, which rarely survives in such a well-preserved condition. The simple elegance and pleasing outline of the table demonstrate the distinctive characteristics of fine Ming furniture, often made from richly figured tropical wood such as huanghuali.The decorative technique of inlaying mother-of-pearl into lacquer was practised since as early as the Shang dynasty, as evidenced by the find of fragments excavated from the Imperial Shang tombs in Anyang, See Sir.H.Garner, Chinese Lacquer, London, 1979, pp.25-34, pls.2-4. From the Song dynasty onwards, lacquer furniture with mother-of-pearl inlay appears to have been among the most luxurious types of furniture, as can be seen in some of the descriptions in Chinese literature, pictorial illustrations and contemporary paintings. The Song dynasty historian Li Xinchuan (1167-1240) recorded that Emperor Gaozong of the Song ordered lacquer tables and chairs with mother-of-pearl inlay decorations to be burnt, as he considered them too luxurious and decadent to keep in the Imperial court. See Jianyan yilai xinian yaolu (Annual Records of the most Important Events since the Jianyan reign-period), reprinted 1773-1792, vol.171, p.1. The Plum in the Golden Vase, one of the four great novels of the Ming dynasty, written in the 16th century by an anonymous author, includes vivid descriptions of interior settings. Mother-of-pearl-inlaid lacquer furniture is mentioned several times in the novel as being as expensive and worth sixty taels of silver during the Ming dynasty, see Xinke xiuxiang piping Jinpingmei, (Comments on The Golden Lotus, New Version with Illustration), Chongzhen version, 1628-1644, vol.6, p.42. See also a Ming dynasty painting entitled 'Scooping the Moon from a Golden Basin' in the Shanghai Museum, in which a servant is seen standing in front of a black lacquer long table with mother-of-pearl inlay. The appearance of a lacquered and mother-of-pearl-inlaid censer in a Ming dynasty portrait of a Court lady indicates the value and high status accorded to furniture of this type, see L.He and M.Knight, Power and Glory: Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, 2008, pp.251 and 261, nos.140 and 148.Compare with a related mother-of-pearl-inlaid lacquer luohan bed, Ming dynasty, with similarly decorated pattern on the back panel of the railing, illustrated in Collections of the Palace Museum: Inlaid Furniture, Beijing, 2009, p.22, pl.2; and another related mother-of-pearl-inlaid black lacquer qiaotou'an table, Ming dynasty, with similarly decorated butterflies and flowers on the aprons, is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (I), Hong Kong, 2002, p.154, no.133. Compare also with a mother-of-pearl-inlaid lacquer table of similar form, Kangxi, illustrated in ibid., p.169, no.143.See also an inlaid-mother-of-pearl lacquer table, Jiajing/Wanli period, of identical form but with reduced legs and different decoration on the top panel, from the collection of Sakamoto Goro, which was sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 8 October 2013, lot 161.案平頭,木胎黑漆,嵌厚螺鈿,漆面之下灰胎頗厚,漫發大蛇腹斷,案面四角包銅,以厚螺鈿攢雙框,框内嵌格式樂器包括琵琶、三弦、鑼、鼓、琴、鈴等,間以雜寶、花卉、昆蟲紋飾,面心嵌厚螺鈿太湖石及牡丹一叢,兩側嵌長枝花卉兩叢,花葉之間嵌蟲飛蝶舞及喜鵲一對,牡丹兩側分別嵌製五言四句:「朵朵含風裊,紅綃帶兩開。好留顏色態,堯皇進壽杯。」面下通長牙板,牙板之下橫高拱羅鍋棖,圓腿之間裝雙橫棖,面沿、牙板、棖子、四腿均嵌五彩螺鈿折枝花卉,面板底面抹灰髹朱漆,亦發蛇腹斷。桌面所嵌螺鈿樂器計有:琵琶、鑼、鼓、木魚、琴、三絃、笙、拍板、鐘、笛。洋洋大觀形同樂隊之屬,然而中國樂器組合在古代多為伴奏,或祭祀或戲曲,必須與人聲配合方為完整,並未發展成西方交響樂團之模式,所謂國樂團乃近代新生事物。明末清初市民階層音樂曲藝娛樂繁多,常用配樂不出以上所列。黑漆螺鈿傢倶自古便是高檔商品,宋高宗趙構在紹興初年下令焚毀臣下進貢的台州螺鈿桌椅,因其太過奢華:「紹興初,徐康國為浙漕進台州螺鈿椅桌,陛下即命焚之,至今四方歎誦聖徳。上指御座曰:『如一椅子,只黑漆便可用,何必螺鈿。』」見宋代李心傳撰,《建炎以來繫年要錄》,《欽定四庫全書》本,1773-1792年,卷一七一,頁1。明代螺鈿傢倶的價格更上一層,成書於十六世紀的《金瓶梅》曾有一段:「原是因李瓶兒房中安著一張螺鈿敞廳床,婦人(潘金蓮)旋教西門慶使了六十兩銀子,替他也買了這一張螺鈿有欄乾的床。兩邊槅扇都是螺鈿攢造花草翎毛,掛著紫紗帳幔,錦帶銀鉤。」見日本内閣文庫藏蘭陵笑笑生著,《新刻繡像批評金瓶梅》,崇禎本,卷六,頁42。一張嵌螺鈿的羅漢床可值六十金,在明代可謂天價。明代宮廷畫作上亦見描繪類似黑漆嵌螺鈿家具,如上海博物館藏明代《金盆撈月圖》,畫中貴族女子手指正月,坐於一黑漆嵌螺鈿桌旁,可推斷此類家具於明代多未王宮貴族所青睞,見L. He 及 M. Knight,《Power and Glory: Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty》,舊金山亞洲藝術博物館,2008年,圖140,頁251以及圖148,頁261。《金瓶梅》描述的螺鈿紋樣在明代黑漆嵌螺鈿傢倶中頗為流行,特別是湖石牡丹,本件拍品亦是此類,還可比較北京故宮藏一件明代黑漆嵌螺鈿花鳥紋羅漢床,其正面圍子面板所嵌圖樣和本件平頭案所嵌風格設計如出一轍,見故宮博物院編,《故宮收藏:你應該知道的200件鑲嵌傢倶》,北京,2009,圖版2,頁22。北京故宮藏另一件明代黑漆嵌螺鈿花蝶紋翹頭案之裝飾亦頗類似,惟身形較矮,見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:明清傢倶(上)》,香港,2002年,圖版133,頁154。與本件平頭案形制類似者可比較一件北京故宮藏清康熙黑漆嵌螺鈿花蝶紋條案,康熙去明不遠,風格變化不大,此案漆裏亦是紅色,惟缺少高拱羅鍋棖,見前書,圖版143,頁169。香港蘇富比曾售一件明嘉靖 / 萬曆黑漆嵌螺鈿盆花圖條案,形制和本件拍品相同,惟紋飾相異,且四足或被截斷,原物應與本件平頭案類似高度,2013年10月8日,拍品編號161。


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