By Hoki Hirotaka, signed Hoki no kami fujiwara Hirotaka Japan, mid-17th century, Edo period (1615-1868)
The blade with shinogi-zukuri and iori mune, the hamon with irregular gunome and with nioi. The hada is masame. The nakago (tang) with two mekugi-ana, the yasurime is sujikai, the tip is iri-yamagata. One side shows the inscription Echizen ju (‘lives in Echizen’) and the other shows the signature Hoki no kami fujiwara HIROTAKA, with the Hirotaka of this name remarkably written with completely different characters than one would usually expect. This swordsmith worked during the mid-17th century.
NAGASA 53.5 cm, blade LENGTH 67.6 cm, total LENGTH 76 cm
Condition: The blade is in excellent condition with very minor surface wear. Provenance: Hungarian private collection.