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Seven various books printed in Amsterdam and Haarlem, 18th/19th C.
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2023年08月31日 开拍
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Lot Description:Various formats. ? - ‘Spiegel vanden Ouden en Nieuwen Tyd bestaende uyt Spreeck-woorden…met Gedichten en Prenten daer op passende…door J. Cats…oversien en gecorrigeert…t’Amsterdam, By de Erve de Wed: Gysbert de Groot,1722.’?8vo., [16 incl. frontispice], 318 of 320. Cont. parch. cover, minor staining. Good ex. Corrected edition from 1722 (1st edition: 1632) of the popular proverb book by the influential poet Cats (1577-1660). The first part contains proverbs about, among other things, education, travel, lovemaking and a short essay about 'allerley minne-plichten'. The second part deals with the ground rules for married couples (e.g. for saving and receiving guests). The third part contains proverbs related to affairs of state, religion, old age and illness as well as "bedenckelijcke spreucken". The work is introduced by a frontispiece with an allegorical representation of the five virtues and is illustrated with 78 emblematic copper figures after A. van de Venne, each accompanied by pithy verses and quotes from other authors. Ref.:?NNBW VI-279/286; Visser, EBL, 132; Landwehr, LC, 167 (idem). -?’Pieter; of de gevolgen der onkunde. Een leerzaam, vermakelijk en nuttig onderricht voor kinderen. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Met platen.Te Amsterdam, bij Ten Brink and De Vries. MDCCCXXII’. 1822,?8vo. IV, 188 of (…). Cont. half-leather binding with marbled paper. Beautiful ex. Gilt spine with six raised bands. Illustrated title + 2 ill. o.t. 'J. van Meurs, inv. et del.' and 'Dl Veelwaard sculp.'. Ten Brink en De Vries was a Dutch bookstore and publisher based in Amsterdam (1785-1936). Jan ten Brink Gerritszoon (1757-1846) rented the house of bookseller J. Kannewet in April 1785 and started his bookshop there. Together with his cousin Jan de Vries (1789-1859) they formed a partnership in 1819, Ten Brink en De Vries. -?‘Lof der Zotheid, Ironisch-comisch hekelschrift, door Desiderius Erasmus, uit het Latijn vertaald door P. G. Witsen Geysbeek. Amsterdambij de Gebroeders Diederichs. 1828.’208 pp. Paper cover. Front cover missing. Front. by P.N.L. v.d. Meulen?depicting Erasmus. 'Lof der Zotheid' is a satirical work by the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus from 1509, originally written in Latin under the title 'Moriae Encomion'. In the book, the goddess Folly delivers a eulogy to herself and praises her general beneficence. Thanks to her, the fools become merry and happy; the wise are gloomy and unhappy. Written by Erasmus in London, in barely 7 days, with a dedication to his friend Thomas Morus. It was soon distributed and translated all over the world.?The prose translation is by Pieter Gerardus Witsen Geysbeek, Amsterdam 1774-1833 (See:?A.J. van der Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden, 7, 1862, pp 163-165). Ref.:?Gilbert De Groote, De ‘Moriae Encomion’ in het Nederlands, in: De Nieuwe Taalgids, 43, 1950, pp. 108-109. Published in DBNL. -?‘Almanak voor het schrikkeljaar 1832. Almanak voor het schoone en Goede voor 1832. Te Amsterdam, by G.J.A. Beijerinck.’ [10],186,[2] pp. Front. with ill. by Fenna Mastenbroek, illustrated title and 4 copper engravings o.t.?Sewn with illustrated cardboard front and back (loose). Back missing.?Calendar for 1832 with numerous pieces of poetry and prose. -?‘De tweede nieuwe overtoomsche Marktschipper of Durkdammer Kramer. Geladen met liederen…Amsterdam, G. van der Linden.’ 8vo. 63, [1] pp. No cover.?Richly illustrated (woodcuts).?houtsneden. Anonymous, first print by F.G.L. Holst, Amsterdam 1840. -?‘Beknopte Geschiedenis van Genoveva, Een …Geschenk voor Brave Kinderen. Te Amsterdam, bij F.G.L. Holst. Eglantiergracht bij de Tweede Dwarsstraat.’ Small. 16 pp.,?no numbers.?Title page is the cover. Illustrated title with coloured woodcut. Twelve coloured woodcuts (one per chapter). -?‘De HISTORIE van FLORIS en BLANCHEFLEUR. Dewelke na datze lange gescheyden waren/ ende veele perijkelen geleden hadden/ tot den Houwelijken Staat kwamen. Zeer playzant ende vermakelyk om te leezen. Gedruckt tot Oud-Hollandt/ by de kinderen van Izaak en Johannes Enschede, Stadts-Druckers/ op de Prinsestraet/ in Laurens Koster.’ 4°, 24 pp., no numbers, s.d. (dated by Boekenoogen as edited 1895). Illustrated title with woodcut. Woodcuts in text. Cont. paper cover. Two columns (max. 45 lines). Gothic letter (not: Prologie,?headings of chapters and verse lines). Verbatim reprint of the edition of this chapbook by Kannewet in Amsterdam in 1756, but with facsimiles of the woodcuts of the editions of S and W. Koene in Amsterdam from 1800 and 1804.Ref.: Dr. G.J. Boekenoogen, De Historie van Floris ende Blancefleur, III. De verschillende uitgaven van het volksboek, Leiden 1903, pp. 74-75,?published in DBNL.
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