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Seven various books printed in Antwerp (o.a. Plantin) and Leuven, 17th/19th C.
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2023年08月31日 开拍
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Lot Description:Various formats. ? -?‘Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis, Nuper Reformatum, and Pio V. Pont.Max. jussu editum…Urbanus VIII recogniti…Antverpiae, Ex Typographia Plantiniana Apud Viduam Balthasaris Moreti. MDCC’. [1],(blanco),[46],741,[3] pp. Each page printed in red and black. Illustrated title page with copper engraving and 16 copper engravings o.t. Woodcut lettrines and numerous smaller woodcuts in red or black at the end of the chapters. Pp. 313-318 restored in binding. Full leather binding (wear). With 2 copper closing handles. This book in Latin, printed in the Antwerp Plantin printing house, deals with the veneration of Mary. With calendar of the major holy days for the years 1700 to 1734, almanac for months with the most important saints venerations per day. The 'Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis' was, pursuant to the Council of Trent, the new version of the 'Horae'. In the year 1700, the Plantin printing house was under the management of Balthazar IV Moretus (1679-1730). Lithurgical works were mainly printed under his direction. The Moretus family printed several reissues of this?'Officium', but nowhere is mentioned this edition from 1700. Ref.:?Francine de Nave, De Moretussen en de Antwerpse boekgeschiedenis van de 17de en 18de eeuw, in: De Gulden Passer, 74, pp. 299-301. -?Evangelien ende Epistelen, Alsoo-men die door’t gheheel Jaer op alle Sondagen ende Heylighe-daghen onderhoudt….uyt den Roomschen Missael van Trenten,…t’Antwerpen, By de weduwe Gymnicus, 1716'.?[8],134,[2] pp. Parchment cover. Illustrated title (woodcut) and 10 woodcuts in text.?With table of the changing holidays from 1712 to 1736 (Ash Wednesday, Easter and Pentecost) and almanac Jan.-Dec. with the feasts of the saints. The printing family Gymnicus was active in Antwerp for more than two centuries. First descendant early 16th C.: Jan Gymnicus I.? -?‘Nieuw Liedt-boeck Genaemt Den vrolijcken Speel-wagen, oft de Ledige uren van Jacobus De Ruyter. T’Antwerpen, Joannes Franciscus van Soest. 1752.’ 110 (on …) pp.?Incomplete.?Illustrated title (woodcut). Parchment cover. Two parts (part 1 until p. 54; end part 2 missing). First edition dated 1700.?Jacobus De Ruyter was clerk of the Orphanage of the city of Veurne.Jan-Frans Van Soest, son of Hendrik I, was a book printer and bookseller. He died on 28 June 1770. From 1736 to 1750 he lived in Steenhouwersvest, In 't Hoog Huys, and from 1750 onwards in the Cammerstraet, 'In de schilt van Troyen'. He was the publisher of 'De Gazette van Antwerpen', formerly called 'Antwerpsche Posttijdingen'. Obtained the patent for publishing that newspaper in 1740. -?‘Lof van het Mannelyk ende vrouwelyk Geslagt Poetischer Wyze vertoont in de eerste Menschen…t’Antwerpen, By Joannes Godefridus J. De Roveroy. 4°, [13], 34, [4], 40 pp. Bleu paper cover. This chapbook is about Adam and Eve. Written in the form of a hymn, divided into 2 parts with first ‘Lof van het Vrouwelyk Geslagt vertoont in de eerste Vrouwe’ consisting of 656 verses; followed by ‘Lof van het Mannelyk Geslagt’ consisting of 680 verses, each numbered by 5. Both parts are followed by 'Noten...',?according to the?verse numbers.The author's initials are listed as "J.N.". (p. [13]).De Roveroy, Joannes-Godefridus, printer or bookseller. Lived in 1772-75 in the Huydevettettersstraat. - DEN LIEFFELYCKEN PARADYS-VOGEL, TOT GODT OMHOOGH VLIEGHENDE, Behelsende verscheyde Gheestelicke Liedekens van de Godelijcke liefde, ende het verlanghen van het HEMELSCH VADER-LANDT. GHECOMPONEERT Door den Eerw. Heere DANIEL BELLEMANS, Canonick Norbertien van Grimberggen. Den VIII. DRUCK. t’Antwerpen by Petrus Josephus Rymers.' Small Oblong. 189,[3] pp. S.d (second half 18th C., after 1767). Parchment cover (missing parts, wear, tears). Not illustrated.?Songbook with numerous spiritual songs in praise of God. The first edition dates from ca. 1670, the sixth from 1686. Rymers, P.-J., printer and book seller,?master in the guild of Saint-Luke in 1767. - ‘De Vrouwepeerle of Drijvoudige Historie van Helena de Verduldige Griseldis de Zachtmoedige en Florentina de Getrouwe…Antwerpen, P. Emm. Herleyn, Boekhandelaar.'8vo, 61,[2] pp. Modern half leather cover.?Illustrated title. Herleyn is known as a publisher of reprints of old chapbooks. He died in May 1866. -?‘Lust-Hofken der Heyliger Maghet Maria inhoudende veel schone oeffeningen om haar te eren… Beschreven in ’t Latijn door P. Franciscus de la Croix. Uyt het Latijn overgeset door Iannes de Costere. Loven,Henrick van Hastens/1624. Met privilegie voor 6 jaer.' Small format. 316,[10] pp. Title page and pp. 21 in black and red.?Gothic font. Parchment binding (wear). First edition. Old print about Maria devotion. In the Old Testament, the garden symbolizes Mary's virginity. Mary is often equated with a rose. The garden then represents the soul from which one had to pick the flowers to give to the Blessed Virgin. The (unknown) author tries to convince the reader to symbolically enter Mary's court to find peace and to draw inspiration. The chapters are divided into so-called parks that are linked to specific flowers such as pansies, roses, lilies, hyacinths and sunflowers. Devotional exercises are mainly described and tips are given on how to prepare, for example, to visit a place of prayer in honor of Mary. Hendrik Lodewijksz Van Haestens (1566-1629) (many name variations) was born in Rubbekerhoeven near Wachtendonk. He worked in the Antwerp printing house of Christoffel Plantin and established himself in Leiden in 1596 as an independent publisher-printer. He became catholic and settled in Leuven, where at the end of 1621 he was given a provisional appointment as official publisher-printer of the city and university. This became final in early 1622.
Condition:Condition reports and high resolution pictures are available on our website at www.coronariauctions.com. Further questions are always welcome at info@coronariauctions.com
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