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壽山石 伏龍羅漢 The Shoushan soapstone figure carved in the form of Arhat luohan, with a dragon in his hands, the stone is of yellowish-white color tone with mottled interior, set on carved wooden stand. Height: 5 1/8 in (13.0 cm) Width: 5 7/8 in (15.0 cm) Weight: 215.0g 羅漢壽山石質,羅漢呈立姿,身著加彩法衣,衣紋精工陰刻填彩,衣褶流暢自然,亦將衣裳表裡的質感充分地表現出來。有一金龍伏在懷中昂首探看,造型渾樸古拙,刀法嫺熟精湛,神態刻畫生動細膩,羅漢雙目低垂,似在注視懷中溫順的瑞獸,神情莊重溫和,體態安閒自若。整尊雕像人物形象結構準確,雕琢精細。其石質潤澤,人物形象傳神,刻工嫺熟,包漿濃郁,實為收藏佳品。