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壽山石擺件 馬上封侯 The Shoushan soapstone figure carved in the form of a monkey mounted on the back of a recumbent horse, the stone is of yellowish-white color tone with mottled interior. Height: 3 7/8 in (10.0 cm) Length: 7 1/8 in (18.0 cm) Width: 3 2/8 in (8.0 cm) Weight: 855.0g 壽山石材質,此擺件臥馬回首,一靈猴戲於馬背,手握靈芝。駿馬體態健美,細節處刻劃精到,鬃毛濃密,生動形象。獼猴四肢攀援其背,形象逼真。寓意馬上封侯,官運亨通,仕途順達。