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壽山石 山水人物插屏 The table screen inset with Shoushan soapstone carved plaque, depicts people walking amidst mountain path, the stone is of yellowish-brown color tone with mottled interior, the wood carved with taotie mask patterns and retains natural grain, color, and patina. Height: 25 5/8 in (65.0 cm) Width: 14 7/8 in (38.0 cm) Weight: 7425.0g 整塊壽山石雕成,右上一輪明月,山間松石亭臺樓閣呼應,樹下文人吟詩飲酒。橋下河邊船隻停泊,水車、籬笆、白鷺,蘆葦富有意趣。右側山石題詩:“空山新雨後,天氣晚來秋。明月松間照,清泉石上流。”