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A collection of 79 auction catalogues on Asian arts from Christie's and Sotheby's, 2004-2010
比利时 北京时间
03月26日 下午4点30分 开拍 /9天2小时
拍品描述 翻译
Various dimensions. Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 01 December 2010, Sale number: 2832Christie's Hong Kong - The Imperial Sale, 30 May 2012, Sale number: 2913Christie's Hong Kong - The Yiqingge Collection of Chinese Ceramics, 29 May 2013, Sale number: 3220Christie's Hong Kong - The Imperial Sale - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 28 May 2014, Sale number: 3322Christie's Hong Kong - Through Connoisseurs' Eyes - Ephemeral Flowers, Enduring Art, 03 June 2015, Sale number: 3432Christie's Hong Kong - Beyond White Clouds - Chinese Scholar's Rocks from a Private Collection, 02 December 2015, Sale number: 3473Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 02 December 2015, Sale number: 3472Christie's Hong Kong - The Xuande Dragon Jar, 30 May 2016, Sale number: 12720Christie's Hong Kong - The Imperial Sale - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 01 June 2016, Sale number: 12555Christie's Hong Kong - Chinese Ceramics from the Yangdetang Collection, 30 November 2016, Sale number: 12675Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 30 November 2016, Sale number: 12563Christie's Hong Kong - Court, Studio, Atelier - Chinese Works of Art and Paintings from the Ming Dynasty Evening Sale, 27 November 2017, Sale number: 16043Christie's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 22 March 2018, Sale number: 15449Christie's Hong Kong - Leisurely Delights of a Transient Life, 30 May 2018, Sale number: 16759Christie's Hong Kong - Multifarious Colours - Three Enamelled Masterpieces, 28 November 2018, Sale number: 16266Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 28 November 2018, Sale number: 15961Christie's Hong Kong - Leisurely Delights, 29 May 2019, Sale number: 18336Christie's Hong Kong - Four Masterpieces of Jun Ware - From an Important Private Collection, 29 May 2019, Sale number: 18454Christie's Hong Kong - The Baofang Pavilion Collection of Imperial Ceramics, 29 May 2019, Sale number: 17739Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 29 May 2019, Sale number: 16694Christie's Hong Kong - The Pavilion Sale - Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Including the Quek Kiok Lee Collection, 09 October 2019, Sale number: 16695Christie's Hong Kong - An important Collection of Chinese Ceramics from a Private Collector, 27 November 2019, Sale number: 17741Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 27 November 2019, Sale number: 16696 Christie's Paris - Arts D'Asie, 13 June 2018, Sale number: 16031Christie's Paris - Arts D'Asie, 14 December 2011, Sale number: 1052Christie's Paris - Arts D'Asie, 13 December 2017, Sale number: 14802Christie's Paris - Arts D'Asie, 12 December 2018, Sale number: 16245Christie's Paris - Arts D'Asie, 12 June 2019, Sale number: 17457 Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 09 May 2017, Sale number: 13981Christie's London - Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 08 November 2013, Sale number: 9598Christie's London - Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 14 May 2014, Sale number: 5291Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 14 May 2019, Sale number: 17113Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 01 May 2018, Sale number: 15487 Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part II, 18 September 2014, Sale number: 2872BChristie's New York - Magnificent Qing Monochrome Porcelains and Earlier Works of Art from the Gordon Collection, 24 March 2011, Sale number: 2516Christie's New York - Asian Art Week New York: The Sublime and the Beautiful: Asian Masterpieces of Devotion, The 'Min' Fanglei: A Magnificent and Highly Important Massive Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Parts I and II, 20 March 2014, Sale number: 3484Christie's New York - Elevated Beauty: Fine Chinese Display Stands from an Important Private American Collection, 17 September 2015, Sale number: 3722Christie's New York - Chinese Export Art, 21 January 2016, Sale number: 11640Christie's New York - The Marie Therese L. Virata Collection of Asian Art: A Family Legacy, 16 March 2017, Sale number: 14261Christie's New York - The Studio of the Clear Garden: Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 22 March 2018, Sale number: 16761Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 22 March 2018, Sale number: 15449Christie's New York - Devotion in Stone: Gandharan Masterpieces from a Private Japanese Collection, 23 September 2020, Sale number: 18241 Sotheby's London - Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 08 November 2006, Sale number: L06213Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 16 May 2007, Sale number: L07210Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 07 November 2007, Sale number: L07212Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 10 November 2010, Sale number: L10211Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 11 May 2011, Sale number: L11210Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 09 November 2011, Sale number: L 11211Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 16 May 2012, Sale number: L 12210Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 15 May 2013, Sale number: L 13210Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 05 November 2014, Sale number: L 14211Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 13 May 2015, Sale number: L 15210Sotheby's London - Important Chinese Art, 11 November 2015, Sale number: L 15211Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 11 May 2016, Sale number: L 16210Sotheby's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 09 November 2016, Sale number: L 16212 Sotheby's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 17 September 2013, Sale number: N09026Sotheby's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 16 September 2008, Sale number: N08464Sotheby's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 20 March 2012, Sale number: N08834Sotheby's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 11 September 2012, Sale number: N08872Sotheby's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 19 March 2013, Sale number: N08974Sotheby's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 18 March 2014, Sale number: N09116Sotheby's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 18 March 2014, Sale number: N09116Sotheby's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 15 September 2015, Sale number: N09393 Sotheby's Hong Kong - A Private Collection of Scholarly and Imperial Works of Art, 04 April 2012, Sale number: HK0407Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 25 April 2004, Sale number: HK0203Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 31 October 2004, Sale number: HK0207Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 23 October 2005, Sale number: HK0219Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 11 April 2008, Sale number: HK0269Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 08 October 2009, Sale number: HK0308Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 08 October 2009, Sale number: HK0236Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 08 October 2010, Sale number: HK0331Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 08 April 2011, Sale number: HK0358Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 04 April 2012, Sale number: HK0393Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 08 April 2013, Sale number: HK0461Sotheby's Hong Kong - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 08 April 2014, Sale number: HK0245Sotheby's Hong Kong - Playthings from the Collection of Edward T. Chow, 27 May 2014, Sale number: HK0520Sotheby's Hong Kong - The Baoyizhai Collection of Chinese Lacquer, Part 2, 08 October 2014, Sale number: HK0554Sotheby's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Art, 07 April 2015, Sale number: HK0571Sotheby's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Art, 05 October 2016, Sale number: HK0675Sotheby's Hong Kong - Chinese Art, 02 December 2016, Sale number: HK0681__PRESENT


  • Lot 0421
  • Lot 0422
  • Lot 0423
  • Lot 0424
  • Lot 0425
  • Lot 0426
  • Lot 0427
  • Lot 0428
  • Lot 0429
  • Lot 0430
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拍品估价:400 - 800 欧元 起拍价格:300 欧元  买家佣金: 33.00% 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Rob Michiels Auctions
地址: Genthof 9
电话: 003250343603
邮编: 8000


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