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A collection of 85 Christie's auction catalogues on Asian Arts, 2010-2020
比利时 北京时间
03月26日 下午4点30分 开拍 /9天2小时
拍品描述 翻译
Various dimensions. Christie's Hong Kong - The Imperial Sale: Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 31 May 2010, Sale number: 2811Christie's Hong Kong - Imporant Chinese Rhinoceros Horn Carvings from the Songzhutang Collection Part II, 31 May 2010, Sale number: 2810Christie's Hong Kong - Luminous Colours: Treasures from the Shorenstein Collection, 01 December 2010, Sale number: 2831Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 01 June 2011, Sale number: 2862Christie's Hong Kong - Inspire Connoisseurship: Property from a European Collection, 01 June 2011, Sale number: 2863Christie's Hong Kong - A Magnificent Qianlong Revolving Vase, 01 June 2011, Sale number: 2860Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part II, 30 November 2011, Sale number: 2891Christie's Hong Kong - Masterpieces of the Enameller's Art from the Mandel Collection, 30 May 2012, Sale number: 2916Christie's Hong Kong - Autumn 2012 Auction Highlights - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 28 November 2012 Christie's Hong Kong - Imporant Chinese Lacquer from the Lee Family Collection, Part III , 28 November 2012, Sale number: 2965Christie's Hong Kong - Autumn 2014 Auction Highlights -- Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 26 November 2014 Christie's Hong Kong - The Imperial Sale: Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 03 June 2015, Sale number: 3433Christie's Hong Kong - Autumn 2015 Auction Highlights - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 02 December 2015 Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 02 December 2015, Sale number: 3472Christie's Hong Kong - An Important yongzheng Falangcai 'Prunus and Bamboo' Bowl, 02 December 2015, Sale number: 12911Christie's Hong Kong - Classical Chinese Art from the Sui to the Song Dynasties, 01 June 2016, Sale number: 13755Christie's Hong Kong - The Yongzheng Emperor's Double-Dragon Amphora, 31 May 2017, Sale number: 14809Christie's Hong Kong - The Perfect Countenance: Fine Buddhis Works of Art, 31 May 2017, Sale number: 15658Christie's Hong Kong - The Roger Belanich Collection of Longquan Celadon Ceramics, 31 May 2017 Christie's Hong Kong - The Pavilion Sale - Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 02 October 2017, Sale number: 14709Christie's Hong Kong - Glories of Buddhist Art, 29 May 2019, Sale number: 17740Christie's Hong Kong - Four Masterpieces of Jun Ware - From an Important Private Collection, 29 May 2019, Sale number: 18454Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 27 November 2019, Sale number: 16696Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 27 November 2019, Sale number: 16696Christie's Hong Kong - A Dream Realised: Kangxi's Ultimate Falangcai Bowl, 27 November 2019, Sale number: 19172Christie's Hong Kong - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 09 July 2020, Sale number: 18242 Christie's Beijing - Important Fine Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Rare Classical Artwork Books, 24 May 2011, Sale number: 8835 Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Including Property from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, 25 March 2010, Sale number: 2405Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Including Property from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, 16 September 2010, Sale number: 2509Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, Including Property from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, 24 March 2011, Sale number: 2518Christie's New York - Magnificent Qing Monochrome Porcelains and Earlier Works of Art from the Gordon Collection, 24 March 2011, Sale number: 2516Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part II, 25 March 2011, Sale number: 2427Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, 15 September 2011, Sale number: 2463Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part II, 16 September 2011, Sale number: 2463Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, 22 March 2012, Sale number: 2553Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, 13 September 2012, Sale number: 2580Christie's New York - In Pursuit of Knowledge: Asian Art Reference Books, including Selections from the C.T. Loo Library, 13 September 2012, Sale number: 2763Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part II, 14 September 2012, Sale number: 2580Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, 21 March 2013, Sale number: 2689AChristie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part II, 22 March 2013, Sale number: 2689BChristie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, 19 September 2013, Sale number: 2726aChristie's New York - Rivers of Color: Cloisonne Enamels from Private American Collections, 18 September 2014, Sale number: 2873Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, 18 September 2014, Sale number: 2872AChristie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, 18 September 2014, Sale number: 2872AChristie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 15 March 2015, Sale number: 3720Christie's New York - Mandarin and Menagerie: The Sowell Collection, Part II, 16 September 2015, Sale number: 3768Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part I, 17 September 2015, Sale number: 3767aChristie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Part II, 18 September 2015, Sale number: 3767bChristie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 17 March 2016, Sale number: 11928Christie's New York - The Ian and Susan Wilson Collection of Scholar's Objects, 17 March 2016, Sale number: 11929Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 14 September 2017, Sale number: 13751Christie's New York - The Studio of the Clear Garden: Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 22 March 2018, Sale number: 16761Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 22 March 2018, Sale number: 15449Christie's New York - The Studio of the Clear Garden: Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 22 March 2019, Sale number: 16761Christie's New York - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 22 March 2019, Sale number: 16320Christie's New York - Masterpieces of Early Chinese Gold and Silver, 12 September 2019, Sale number: 18338Christie's New York - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 13 September 2019, Sale number: 16950Christie's New York - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 13 September 2019, Sale number: 16950Christie's New York - The Collection of Peggy and David Rockefeller Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 09 November 2010, Sale number: 7878Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 10 May 2011, Sale number: 7664Christie's London - Gallery Guide: Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Interiors, Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 10 May 2011 Christie's London - Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 13 May 2011, Sale number: 6162Christie's London - Gallery Guide: Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Interiors, Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 09 November 2011 Christie's London - Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 11 November 2011, Sale number: 2598Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 15 May 2012, Sale number: 5305Christie's London - Asian Art Week London: Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Chinese Interiors, Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 15 May 2012 Christie's London - Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 18 May 2012, Sale number: 6074Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 14 May 2013 Christie's London - Asian Art Week London: Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Chinese Interiors, Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 14 May 2013 Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 05 November 2013, Sale number: 1154Christie's London - The C. Philip Cardeiro Collection of Chinese Art, 13 May 2014, Sale number: 10264Christie's London - European Noble and Private Collections, 30 September 2014, Sale number: 1555Christie's London - Appreciating Elegance: Art from the Sui Yuan Zhai Collection, 11 May 2015, Sale number: 10376Christie's London - Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 12 May 2015, Sale number: 10416Christie's London - Inspired Themes: A Fine Selection of Chinese Works of Art, 10 May 2016, Sale number: 13075Christie's London - Chinese Ceramics, Works of Art and Textiles, 11 May 2016, Sale number: 12289Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 09 May 2017, Sale number: 13981Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 07 November 2017, Sale number: 13982Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 07 November 2017, Sale number: 13982Christie's London - Rarity and Refinement, 15 May 2018, Sale number: 16837Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 06 November 2018, Sale number: 15488Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 14 May 2019, Sale number: 17113Christie's London - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 05 November 2019, Sale number: 17114Christie's London - Important Chinese Art, 03 November 2020, Sale number: 18883


  • Lot 0421
  • Lot 0422
  • Lot 0423
  • Lot 0424
  • Lot 0425
  • Lot 0426
  • Lot 0427
  • Lot 0428
  • Lot 0429
  • Lot 0430
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拍品估价:300 - 600 欧元 起拍价格:250 欧元  买家佣金: 33.00% 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Rob Michiels Auctions
地址: Genthof 9
电话: 003250343603
邮编: 8000


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